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Recent Testimony of Martin Walker, PhD
- Matsushita v MediaTek (testified at deposition and presented Markman tutorial for Matsushita) Case No. C 05-CV-3148-MMC US District Court, Northern District of California, San Francisco Division
- BHE Group v MTS Products (testified at trial for BHE) Superior Court of the Stateof California for the County of Los Angeles Case No.: EC 041097
- Benedict v Mediatrac (testified at trial for Mediatrac) Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Contra Costa Case No.: C 06-00028
- v Go Daddy (presented Markman tutorial for Go Daddy) Civil Action No. CV07-01552-PHX-MHX US District Court, District of Arizona
- ON Semiconductor v Samsung (testified for ON Semiconductor) Civil Action No. 1:06-cv-00720-JJF US District Court, District of Delaware
- Red Bend Software v Google (testified for Google) Civil Action No. 09-cv-11813.DPW US District Court, District of Massachusetts, Eastern Division
- 2kDirect v Azoogle Ads (testified for 2kDirect) Civil Action No. 08-03340 VBF(PLAx) US District Court, Central District of California
- Volterra v Primarion (testified for Volterra) Case No. C 08-05129 JCS US DistrictCourt, Northern District of California, San Francisco Division
- Panasonic v Freescale (testified for Panasonic) ITC Investigation No. 337-TA-716
- FSL v ChipMos (testified for FSL) Case No.: 5:09-CV-03689-JF-PSG
- Nuance v Vlingo (testified at the trial for Nuance) Case No 1:09-cv-11414-RWZ
- Richtek v uPI (testified at the hearing for Richtek) ITC Investigation No. 337-TA.698
- Brown v TPL (testified at trial for Brown) Case No.: 1-09-CV-159452
- Apple v Samsung (testified for Apple) Case No.: 11-CV-01846-LHK
- Intellectual Ventures v Hynix Semiconductor, et al (testified for IntellectualVentures) Case No.: 1:10-cv-1066 (SLR-MPT) (US District Court, District of Delaware)
- Silicon Space Technology v eSilicon (testified for eSilicon) Cause No.: D-1-GN-11.001750 (District Court of Travis County, Texas)
- InterDigital v Nokia, et al (testified at the hearing for InterDigital) ITC Investigation No. 337-TA-800
- Realtek v LSI Logic (testified for Realtek) ITC Investigation No. 337-TA-859
- Synopsys v Dynetix (testified for Synopsys) Case No. 5:11-cv-05973-PSG (USDistrict Court, Northern District of California)
- InterDigital v Samsung (testified for InterDigital) ITC Investigation No. 337-TA.868
- British Telecom v Google (testified for Google) Case. No. 11-1249 (LPS) (USDistrict Court, District of Delaware)
- InterDigital v ZTE and Nokia (testified for InterDigital) Cases. No. 13-0009 and .0010 (RGA) (US District Court, District of Delaware)
- Synopsys, Inc. v Mentor Graphics Corporation (testified for Synopsys) Case No. 3:12-cv-06467-MMC (US District Court, Northern District of California)
- SKYHOOK WIRELESS, INC. v GOOGLE INC. (testified for Google) Case 1:10-cv.11571-RWZ and Case No. 1:13-cv-10153-RWZ (US District Court, District of Massachusetts)
- Mortgage Grader, Inc. v Costco et al (testified for Mortgage Grader) Case No. 2:13-cv-00043 AG (AN) (US District Court, Central District of California)
- Newell, et. al v Yapsone, Inc. et al (testified for Newell) Case No. C13-00081 (California Superior Court, County of Contra Costa)
- Lenovo et al v Personal Audio, Inc (testified for Petitioner) IPR examination of US Patent Nos 6,199,076 and 7,509,178 Case IPR2015-00845 and -00846
- ATopTech v Synopsys (testified for Patent Owner) IPR examination of US Patent 6,237,127 Case No IPR2014-01145
- Synopsys v ATopTech (testified for Synopsys) Case No 3:13-cv-02965 MMC (DMR)
- HSM v Fujitsu et al (testified for Micron, Inc.) Case No. 11-cv-00770-RGA
- Intellectual Ventures v Ricoh (testified for Ricoh) Case No. 13-CV-474 (SLR) (District of Delaware)
- WTS Paradigm, LLC, v EdgeAQ, LLC. (testified for EdgeAQ) Case No. 3:15-cv.00330-wmc (Western District of Wisconsin)
- Raytheon Company v. Cray, Inc. (testified for Raytheon) Civil Action No. 2:15-cv.1544-JRG-RSP (Eastern District of Texas, Marshall Division)
- GeoSolutions B.V. v Sina Corporation (testified for GeoSolutions) Netherlands Arbitration Institute Case 4427, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- GeoSolutions Holdings N.V. v Sina Hong Kong, Limited (testified for GeoSolutions) China International Economic and Trade Aribtration Commission (CIETAC) No. V20170719 Beijing, China